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Product Description

Κατασκευάζεται και εισάγεται από Αμερική.

Το Royal analyzer αποτελεί το ποιο σύγχρονο ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΟ σύστημα απεικόνισης υπεδάφους σε πραγματικό χρόνο για ανίχνευση κενού, χρυσού, ευγενών μετάλλων με αναβαθμισμένο λογισμικό 2016 , ένα σύστημα που αποτελεί το αποτέλεσμα 10 ετών επιστημονικών πειραμάτων..
Παρουσιάζει εικόνες υπεδάφους κενών, αντικειμένων και θεμελίων 2D ή 3D, σε πραγματικό χρόνο.
- Σύγχρονο και επιστημονικό σύστημα που ειδικεύεται στην εξερεύνηση και τη σάρωση του υπεδάφους για να ανακαλύψετε υπόγειες στοές και υπόγεια κενά, ευγενή μέταλλα κ.τ.λ.
    - Παρέχει ακριβή χαρτογράφηση και διάκριση των υπόγειών στόχων. Μπορεί να αναλύσει τις εικόνες που έχετε τραβήξει με σαφήνεια και με μεγάλη ακρίβεια
    - Ελαφρύς και μοντέρνος σχεδιασμός που παρέχει δυνατότητα χειρισμού από ένα και μόνο άτομο.
    - Είναι εφοδιασμένο με οθόνη Tablet HD με προ εγκατεστημένα προγράμματα έρευνας και ανάλυσης, και αυτονομία για 12 ώρες συνεχούς έρευνας.
    - Πολλαπλές 3d & 2d αναλύσεις στα σκαναρίσματα αποτελέσματα και γραφικές απεικονίσεις των επιπέδων της έρευνας και των στόχων σας, καθώς και καθορισμός in time του βάθους του στόχου, με μεγάλη ακρίβεια. Επίσης, είναι δυνατόν να μετρηθεί το βάθος του στόχου και να γνωρίζει την αρχή και το τέλος για παράδειγμα: βάθος στόχου αρχίζει στα 8 μέτρα και τελειώνει στα 10 μέτρα.
    - Λαβή μεταφοράς και συσκευή ελέγχου με σύστημα (Geo Stick) ελέγχου γ, που μας έδωσε την για εύκολο χειρισμό και γρήγορη εναλλαγή στην επιλογή των προγραμμάτων λογισμικού της συσκευής.
    - Η συσκευή λειτουργεί με μπαταρία 12-volt ικανή για 12 ώρες συνεχούς έρευνας
    - Κατασκευασμένο στις ΗΠΑ
    - έχει δύο (2)χρόνια εγγύηση
  • The depths of the device are shown in the table.

Βάθος (έως)

 Τυπος Στόχου με παράδειγμα

35 m

Κενά και σήραγγες (Σπήλαια, κλειστά δωμάτια, υπόγεια)

32 m

Μέταλλα και ταφές (Χρυσά νομίσματα ταμείο, βάζο, σπαθί, το άγαλμα)

18 m

Νομίσματα και μικρά κομμάτια (χρυσά και ασημένια νομίσματα, χάλκινα κομμάτια, δαχτυλίδια)

Παρέχεται εκπαίδευση από επιστήμονες πιστοποιημένους στην Αμερική για την χρήση του.
Για τα σεμινάρια εκπαίδευσης και το κόστος τους επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο 697 2197489

Royal analyzer is miracle of the times and the best technology for 2016
Royal Analyzer with imaging system the best and most appropriate system for all prospectors and gold seekers, minerals and treasures and more accurate device for prospecting and exploration companies in the world
Modern imaging technology
The device is supported with several languages,  which allows all prospectors easy handling and use
BR US System Corporation has amazing inventions in the field of Industrial metal detector underground and became scientific products exploratory is the best-selling and widely used in the world, high expertise and designs typical that make success and provide high-quality scientific machine that needed by all explorers and amateur and exploration companies for gold and burials underground .. BR System are still mystified us by all new products every year and its produced for us the latest products, which were the product of years of experience, and hard work which is (The Royal Analyzer)
Get the modern technology for the detection of gold, valuables and treasures those buried underground. Now with confidence we announce that we have the best detector in the world ROYAL ANALYZER . and this imaging detector is the strongest and best the in the world unchallenged or competitor , this device is provided with all characteristics and features that may be needed by the Prospectors and treasures explorers , ranking first among imaging topographic and geological systems globally. Mechanical design that is modern and comfortable has the big reason in the ease of use of the device and its mobility. In addition to 3d & 2d professional imaging systems that can appear shapes and maquettes of Funds and voids and minerals underground naturally and directly. Dear Prospector we are pleased to say for you with confidence, now you can locate your treasures exactly with ROYAL ANALYZER , which is the result of 10 years of scientific experiments.

  • Features and characteristics :
    - Modern & scientific machine that is specializes in exploration and scanning land to discover sites and placements burials, minerals and treasures and voids underground.
    - Exact distinction between the types of targets underground.
    - Mechanical design that is modern and perfect, will give you simply of carry the device without any need for multiple people to use it.
    - Is provided with screen Tablet HD with research and analysis programs installed on them , you can charging externally through its own charger, for 12 hours continuously easily
    - Multiple 3d & 2d programs with integrated results, and graphical illustrations of the levels of research and goals, and determine the depth of the target, with great accuracy.
    - Carrying handle and control device in the same system (Geo Stick) control is easy to use that gave us the quick work and choosing between device software.
    - The device works on the primary battery with ability of the 12-volt being able to work for 12 hours
    - Screen clarify the power level of the batteries.
    - Made in USA
    - Two years warranty

    The depths of the device are shown in the table.


Target type - with examples

35 m

Voids and tunnels (Caves, closed rooms, basements)

32 m

Metals and burials (Gold coins fund , jar, sword, statue)

18 m

Coins and small pieces (gold & silver pieces, bronze pieces, rings)

Analysis and imaging software
The device works on the imaging and analysis software developer and is installed on the main screen of the device and through this program we can do imaging and storage of the captured pictures and filming the earth layers direct imaging operations. The company worked manufactured in America to design your device Royal Analyzer in professional and sophisticated manner with imaging program has not preceded by the latest in that .. as it was designed to be easy to use at the same time in order to be able and ordinary junior people to use this device with ease and simplicity and to do the work of filtration and clarification images discovered very easily and in a short time and without the need of a lot of connections, programming and other things that prolong the exploration time and confusion when the user raises the person is the first program and the latest version of the analytical graphic programs. It can analyze the captured images clearly and with high precision. He can materialize the objectives of underlying and analysis as it is and show it directly on the screen and make it easier for the user to know the type of the detected target that was a jar of gold or fund or a cave or crypt or coins etc. Also possible to measure the depth of the target and know the beginning and the end For example: target depth of 8 meters begins and ends at 10 meters
The professional and research programs in multiple uses.


Name of the program

Gives the user direct image to the target or the trove.

1 - Direct research program

Gives the user storage objectives mechanism and analyze it 3D & 2D.

2  - Stored research program

To know the types of targets directly on the screen with the audio system.

3  - Diagramming Software
Gives the user direct sonar image with Graphics to target and gives you direct depth for it.
4  - ultra Sound program

The ROYAL ANALYZER is produced according to the opinions of experts who have good skills in operations research and exploration. This device has extraordinary specifications in terms of strength and durability
Training is provided by certified scientists in USA to use.
For the training courses and their cost please contact us on +30 697 2197489

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